Caring for Your New Guinea Pig

Congratulations on your new guinea pig(s)! We hope that the following article will help guide you to care for your new pets and become a great guinea pig owner. When you bring your pet home, it is recommended to let them settle in for the first week with minimal handling so that they get used to their new environment. Monitor for diarrhoea, sneezing, and itchiness during the first two weeks as they might have caught infectious diseases prior to coming home. Ensure there are no abnormalities before introducing them to any other guinea pigs.
Guinea pigs are social animals
Most guinea pigs prefer to live in groups of two or more. Ideally, they should be kept with other guinea pigs of the same gender. Females are less likely to fight compared to males, but young male guinea pigs that grew up together may get along better. Sterilized animals are less prone to aggression and can be kept in mixed pairs.
Housing and husbandry
A large cubes and coroplast (C&C) cage or playpen is recommended – the more guinea pigs you have, the larger the enclosure should be. Soft flooring such as pee pads or fleece blankets are recommended. Spot clean any droppings daily and change bedding every two to three days, or sooner if it soils quickly. Guinea pigs should be kept indoors and protected from harsh weathers. Provide cozy hidey houses for them to hide and feel safe in if needed.
Supervised free roam time for one to two hours daily is advised once your guinea pigs are accustomed to their new environment. This is a great source of enrichment and exercise for them. Please ensure your home is guinea pig safe by removing wires close to the ground and small spaces they could get stuck in.
Timothy hay should be the main bulk of your guinea pig’s diet after six months of age. If they are younger than that, a small handful of alfalfa hay can be added to it daily. Provide hay in a sturdy rack or large heavy bowl. Pellet (timothy hay based) should be limited to 1/8 cup a day. Consider scattering pellets around cage or using them as treats for enrichment purposes. Water should be provided via a bottle feeder and changed daily.
Small amounts of leafy greens (e.g. romaine lettuce) and fruits (e.g. capsicum, cherry tomatoes) can be introduced slowly. Monitor stool quality and reduce the quantity of vegetables and fruits if you notice soft stools. As guinea pigs cannot manufacture their own Vitamin C, daily oral supplementation (e.g. tablets, liquid form) is needed.
Medical care
A visit to the vet is recommended within a week to check for any infectious diseases or congenital problems. If no major issues are picked up, it is recommended to follow up with health checks every six months throughout their life.
Sterilization is recommended at the age of five to six months. Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, it usually improves your pet’s temperament and reduces unwanted behavior such as marking and humping.
Common medical conditions
1. Respiratory disease – Chest infections/ pneumonia is one of the most common diseases in guinea pigs. Stressful situations such as overcrowding, pregnancy and sudden change of environment can make a pet prone to this. These bacteria can spread by direct contact, air, or via contaminated objects such as hay and bedding. Affected pets may suffer weight loss, poor appetite, sneezing, teary eyes and difficulty breathing. It is important to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible if any of these signs are noted.
2. Pododermatitis/ bumblefoot/ sore hocks – Infection and inflammation of the feet usually occur from inappropriate husbandry such as dirty bedding, abrasive or wire flooring, and lack of cage space. Obesity also causes uneven pressure distribution on the feet and makes pets more prone to this disease.
3. Cystic ovarian disease – This is a common condition in females and can affect up to sixty to seventy five percent of guinea pigs above the age of three years old. These pets can suffer gradual fur loss around the sides of their body, form enlarged and crusty nipples and show behavioral changes such as increase mounting and aggression. If you notice these symptoms in your guinea pigs, consult your veterinarian to discuss treatment options. Sterilization to remove the ovaries is recommended when your pet is young to prevent this condition.
Once your guinea pigs are settled in, daily handling for bonding is recommended to get your pets comfortable with human contact. Gently corner the guinea pig in their enclosure and scoop them up with both hands when they are in a crouched position. Hold them close to your body and speak to them in soft gentle tones. Gently stroke their head and body for a short while and return them back to their enclosure before they start to struggle.
Once your pigs are used to stroking, start brushing them with a soft bristle brush. For long-haired breeds, use a blunt-tipped slicker to remove any tangles or mats.
Gently introduce your pig to warm baths, which can be done once to twice a month to remove any matted urine or feces, especially on the rump and hind feet. Start by gently soaking the hind end in a warm soapy solution made with pet shampoo. If your pet is not too stressed by this, proceed to gently bathing the rest of the body except their head. Towel dry thoroughly and place in a warm draught-free place while your pet dries. Alternatively, if your guinea pig does not tolerate baths, you can spot clean their body and feet with wet wipes or a damp cloth.
Guinea pigs are intelligent, social and inquisitive creatures. Ensure they get enough mental stimuli by providing a large enough enclosure and a variety of toys and hidey houses. Keep the arrangement of furniture within their enclosure dynamic so they do not get too bored. Recycle kitchen towel rolls and unbleached paper bags to create enrichment toys by hiding treats in them. Guinea pigs can also be taught simple tricks such as balancing on their hind legs and spinning in circles, using treats as positive reinforcement. Speaking to, stroking and cuddling your guinea pig is a form of mental and physical enrichment as well.
We hope the above article helps with caring for your new pigs and do not hesitate to contact us to book a consultation if you have any other queries.